There was a gleam of light, a flash that tore a rift. Out streamed the host, and they slipped silently into the night. The sun was still behind the earth, but not for long. Normally such a guard would have given off a blaze of glory, but they had covered themselves for this assignment.
They flew in tight formation. Seventy-seven angels in a three dimensional spearhead shape surrounding He-Who-They-Protected at the center. They moved as lightwaves. Still between here and there, and prepared to take many forms. It was the beginning of the end.
Earth blossomed as they approached. They could have simply appeared on the planet itself, but it would have been too noticeable. They needed to keep her safe until He could make His move.
Up ahead they could see a company waiting for them. The dark shadows twisting, contorting, and solidifying to absorb any light. From the ground far below, even the moon looked dull despite being three quarters full. Their army had been on high alert ever since Zachariah and Elizabeth had become pregnant. While they did not know of the specific conception, they too, of course, knew the times and the signs.
While the host had covered themselves as much as they could, their light was nonetheless unmistakable. The darkness moved towards them and the company began to draw even tighter to hide He-Who-They-Protected.
“Who goes there?” The darkness hissed. “This is the land of the Master. Given to him by the Creative. You are not permitted.”
The host closed yet tighter still, and as they did so one lone angel slipped from the center to the front of the spear. “Hello, Agiel. I’ve missed you.”
The darkness shuddered. “That is not my name. None of us have kept those chains forced upon us. I am Iblis now. Yet, your brand remains on you, Gabriel. You are still his lackey, serving as he made you to do, instead of being who you can become. What has he made you do today? And so many of you at that!”
“It is not your concern, but you are welcome to join us.”
The darkness contorted and spasmed in something that could almost be thought of as laughter, though that thought was worse than the image itself.
“No. I think not. You could join us, but we know you never will.”
“Very well then. We must be going.”
“You shall go nowhere. Master, they are here.”
There was another gleam, and an immense shadow slid through the new rift. It billowed and twisted behind the first darkness as it rose to its full power. A mock dragon with seven heads and ten horns with scales of the darkest red imaginable. A true dragon is full of light and heat that it cannot help but give to all who come near. This dragon-shaped monster seemed to draw in all energy and convert it to antimatter within itself.
“Gabriel.” The deep voice rattled the stillness of space.
“Oh my old friend,” said Gabriel, “I have missed your voice. Our worship has suffered without you.”
“I lend my voice to truth now. As such, you may not pass. Go home.”
“This is your territory to rule. The LORD has entrusted it to you for a time. He has also commanded we visit briefly. This is in alignment with your rule and His sovereignty.”
“I forbid it.”
“I am sorry, but we must continue on.”
“Then you will die.”
“Very well then.”
As Gabriel said this, the spear shot forward enveloping him and racing towards the darkness. Then as it cut through the darkness the spear blossomed out to engage the enemy. Expanding in all directions, the outer angels removed their coverings and blazed forth blinding the enemy and the dragon who had become so accustomed to darkness. While the enemy was dazed a smaller core that remained covered within continued to hurtle through the battle and on towards earth. The battle raged behind them as swords rang and dark fire blackened out the stars out beyond.
The small core entered the earth and flew down on paths carved by moonbeams, deadened as their light was, towards their destination; a small village in northern Israel. They were careful with their route. The land swarmed with agents of the master, so they kept to moonlight and starlight which aided against the darkness and covered their own glow. An enemy patrol stumbled upon them just outside of the village, but a small detachment of the angels led by Penthos, with his heart breaking in compassion to battle against his former fellows, were able to engage them before the demons could summon the master or reinforcements.
The remaining band arrived in Nazareth. Of the original seventy-seven, fourteen remained with Him at the center. They reached the door of the home and twelve of the guard surrounded the house. Gabriel and one they called Lux entered with their charge. Gabriel becoming solid and visible, while the other two remained a part of the ambient light.
They slipped into a bedroom, and there was a girl lying in bed. She was fifteen and betrothed to a godly man named Joseph. She stirred and saw Gabriel. Terrified she scampered to the corner, pulling the blanket to her eyes terrified.
Suddenly the clamor of swords outside could be detected. Mary could not hear the sounds with her human ears. Lux shifted and positioned himself by the door, sword unsheathed, still unseen by her eyes save for the added radiance to the room.
“Hello beloved. Do not be afraid. The Lord is with you!” Gabriel said kindly, eyes shining.
Mary continued to look terrified, but her grip loosened, and a hint of curiosity began to show on her countenance.
“Do not fear, Mary; God loves you and is proud of you. He wants you conceive and give birth to a son, that you are to call him Yeshua. He will be the one everyone has been waiting for. The Creator will give to him the throne of your father, David, and he will reign over Israel; his kingdom will never cease.”
“How?” Mary asked, “I am a virgin.”
Gabriel smiled, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High will be with you. So the holy one to be born will be called Emmanuel. Just as how your Aunt Elizabeth is going to have a child even though she was said to be unable to, so to will you experience this miracle. For God’s word never fails.”
The clamor grew louder. The fighting had entered the house, and there was a flash of light and even the dragon could now be heard outside. Gabriel remained calm, not wanting to frighten the girl. Her shoulders had relaxed, but she bit her lip as she processed what she had been told.
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May His word to me be fulfilled.”
At this she bowed low with her face to the ground. Gabriel’s face beamed with joy. As did His. He stepped forward to be beside this beloved servant of the King.
“Mother,” he whispered. Her whole body relaxed, and the she began to glow.
Darkness started to seep through the door. Lux fighting to keep them at bay. Gabriel joined him, with Mary unaware as she was completely enraptured in her Lord’s joy.
For He was the Word. And Word was with God and the Word was God. And it was with a word that He said, “Go.”
The angels vanished. Gabriel, Lux, the patrol, and the Host were suddenly home. He-Who-They-Had-Protected surged in a sudden burst of light that settled onto Mary, and then seemed to emanate from within her. And the Word became flesh.
The darkness surged forward, but could not touch her. They were too late. They had not recognized her before, and now could not stand to be anywhere near the light that dwelled within her. They had long ago rejected the light. The would have to wait to try and vanquish the light when it was on its’s own. For now, the mission had been completed. The end of the War had begun.
9 months later….
The great host sailed through the skies. There was no need for covert operations any more. The time of silence had passed, and tonight the new chapter would begin. Excitement was coursing through the ranks. As they looked down they saw shepherds in the fields.
“We must tell them!”
“They must know”!
They melded into matter and shown above the shepherds, shouting and whooping with all of their light, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth shalom!” The poor little ones, mostly girls, threw themselves down to the dirt in fear and shock. The angels swooped down and encouraged them, telling them where to go. Poor humans. They had forgotten how beautiful and strong the Lord had made them to be. The enemies lies truly had done marvelous work. But no more. The Word had come.
The children ran ahead of the host towards the town passing the dark and the shadows, oblivious to their presence.
