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  • Writer's pictureZachary Strand

Part Five: Face to Face

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

We open on Ugs, lying on her bed,

Deep in thought upon her comforter spread.

Ideas like planets, complex and vast,

Orbit and spin about her mind quite fast.

On her chest was her book, the teacher of much,

But on certain mysteries, it had yet to budge.

There must be freedom from Malum’s wicked domain.

Instead she sat stuck, stagnate without gain.

She did not know where to go, but knew it was true:

If she held onto hope, ideas would soon be due.

Suddenly, with no provocation, a presence appeared.

There stood Malum himself, and Ugs filled with fear.

“Please don’t get up,” said Malum without moving his lips,

Now in Ugs mind, as well as her ship!

“May I?” he gestured and then sat down

Reveling in Ugs chair, only missing a crown.

“You three are formidable, count me impressed!

To have battled such heroes, I feel quite blessed.”

This caught Ugs by surprise, and she shifted her gaze,

Was their adversary just spinning a fraudulent phrase?

“Thank you,” she thought, unable to muster more.

She knew not to trust Malum, but no longer sure….

“It is you I should thank!” replied Malum so broadly.

“Which is why I am here,” as he looked down oh so fondly.

“Our skirmishes have taught me much, and in many ways,

But it strikes me our roles are confused in this play.

We complement each other, despite fielding opposing sides.

It would only be better if we were together for this ride.”

The thought was tempting, Ugs had to admit.

It was oddly exciting with fear only twinging a bit.

She remembered her teaching though, and shook her head no

For evil comes kindly before a final blow.

This angered Malum and his countenance changed,

“You’re right, you’re useless, this has always been plain.”

This jab cut deep, right at Ugs’ poor heart.

She always questioned if she really played a part.

“That’s not true,” said a new voice, soft and kind.

Relaxing and soothing, coolly permeating her mind.

Here is the truth, Ugs knew in her heart,

So she waited patiently as Malum said his part.

When her enemy had finished, red in angered swell,

Ugs signed him thank you and waved him farewell.

She pulled the cord dangling above her head,

And alarm bells rang out, bellowing overhead.

Malum looked upward as footsteps came close,

And vanished as entered his two other main foes.

Uggs waved kindly and told them her tale,

She then said boldly, “I know how to end this, and we cannot fail.”

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