The ship rests upon a lake with a surface of glass;
A stillness hangs in the air, refusing to pass.
So sets the scene of our last stand,
The final adventure of this particular storyland.
Our three heroes meet in Captain Ugs’ chamber
Well aware of the final upcoming battle with danger.
Ugs laid out from her book, that which she had plainly seen,
Allowing Beth and Gary to questions, patiently.
From all her time reading, Ugs had come to learn,
That victory was often as much given as earned.
Malum had handed them his weaknesses, and they had gifts from above.
The time for peace had flown in like a dove.
Their notoriety had reached a glorious peak.
It was time to cash their capital before it began to leak.
So they would stage a glorious attack,
But with only the purpose of quickly drawing back
Leading the villains far into the sky.
Let’s see how well these slippery snakes fly.
So, they flew their ship right at the black gates and with deft maneuver
Turn the bow straight upward, opposite of the sewer.
Malum, sensing the moment, unleashed his entire garrison.
Our heroes managed their fear, took the day, and cherished it.
Up and up the chase ensued, Malum’s pets gaining ground.
Such was the plan, our heroes not yet making a sound.
At last, Susanne could go no higher, so Ugs leveled the nose.
Then she and Beth scampered to the sheltered decks below.
Gary stayed above, stalling bravely for time.
“You shall not touch them,” he cheered, “those beloved sisters of mine!”
Using his gift, he kept the foes at bay
While below his siblings set the final scene of our play.
When finally the dreaded foes numbered too many, Gary did descend.
On all three being together, their final move did depend.
He barred the door with the golden sword; its final great parry.
It held fast until snapping, the snakes simply too much to carry.
Beth had out her lantern, the others prying passionately at the top,
And Ugs chucked her book at the snakes, causing them to stop.
Then Malum appeared and death hung in the air.
His face showed true colors, not masked as good or fair.
“You’re at your end,” he sneered, so filled with lusty pride.
“It’s been fun, but it’s time to get off of this ride.”
“We couldn’t agree more,” said Gary, “thanks for coming along!”
“Without you,” chirped Beth, “It all would have been quite wrong.”
Ugs gave a salute, then jovially pointed at the lid
Cueing the final twist, which Beth gladly did.
The lantern was lit, yet it seemed to grow all the brighter,
Then the top blasted off and time froze for every fighter.
See, the light was Hope, powered by Beth’s faith in use,
And everyone knows that with such gifts one simply cannot lose.
Releasing their light and not keeping it in,
Launched them all, and a new journey, to begin.
Those aboard were flung all over the sky.
And now we see their story as night passes by.
Our heroes are immortalized by their last name Orion,
Alongside other stars who fought evil just like them.
Though surrounded by darkness, our heroes overcome
As hope bursts forth each dawn as the sun.
So now we too can be heroes as we think on the lessons
Taught by Beth, Ugs, and Gary, their great final blessings.
So as they remind us, twinkling in the sky
And keeping back evil was we live on and die,
We are to fight evil with good, and to misery be kind,
That by being selfless, is how our true selves we do find.
