Who is this Malum character, bopping around?
Where did he come from, by whom was he found?
He was once loved dearly, by every man, woman, and child,
And came from humble origins out in the wild.
As he grew older, so did his fame.
He could solve any problem and all knew his name.
Many others have gone down this crazed path before.
“Rags to riches” they say, there are stories galore.
In many the hero is benevolent, generous and kind,
But Malum sadly chose a different path to find.
He became greedy and lazy, he need not to work
For others wanted to please him, so growth he did shirk.
Yet he took all the credit, and when they were done,
He’d accuse them of stealing, for an extra bit of fun.
The more he gained, the more that he wanted.
So ferocious his hunger, as if he were haunted.
This is how life went for quite a long while.
Very successful, he created a large stockpile
Of wealth and weapons and power and more,
That no one could face him. That much was sure.
Until our heroes arrived, flying over the horizon,
They were so brave that Malum actually felt frightened.
He did all he could to put those pesky children down,
For when light enters a room, darkness cannot be found.
This last attempt had been paramount, and he had failed.
That weak Ugs girl had hardly even paled!
“It’s time to finish this story,” thought Malum alone,
“The next time I see them their true colors will be shown.”
See, Malum’s greatest weakness, is one we all share.
We think others are all like us, that we are mere pairs.
But our heroes show us otherwise, each is unique
Each strengthen differently, but together one goal they do seek.
Malum shuddered at the thought and returned to his truth
And feeding that lie, his nerves it did soothe.
There would be no mercy, he would meet them head on.
Be it the sea, the sky, or on his own front lawn…
